Slowdown Diaries

It's gonna be okay

なれたかもしれない自分|Recognizing Possible Self

*English follows*





1. 「なれたかもしれない自分」を集めることと、
2. 息をするようにできる事柄を認知すること。








そんな訳で「なれたかもしれない自分」が顔を出しがちなInstagramYoutubeを開き、書き出して一つずつ整理していった。拾い上げた欠片たちを線で結び眺めると、「仕事 and/or 生活の拠点を海外に置くこと」「英語を日常的に使うこと」への憧れを捨てきれていないことに改めて気付かされた。恋愛、子供、大きな家なんかが全く出てこなかったことも含めて想像以上に納得のいく答えだったと思う。



What is my passion?

I’ve been asked this question so many times since when I was a student like others have been. As I didn’t find a clear answer for that, when I am at a crossroads I’ve always picked a choice that does not restrict my options in the future, as well as job hunting which I experiences a few years ago. 

A couple of years have passed and some of my colleagues that joined the company at the same time as me have already left for the new stage of their career. Although I know that this is not my lifetime job, I haven’t found anything else yet. Feeling like I am stacked, I started to think about it from a different perspective; recognizing possible self(Disclaimer: "Possible self" is not used in the meaning of psychology in this post) and finding something that you are good at by nature. This post is about the first one; recognizing possible self.

Recognizing possible self

Have you had mixed feelings of admiration, jealousy, and regret when you are on social media? I have experienced this feeling in the past few years. Regardless of who posted them, it happened when I think that “That might be me if I did something differently”. Even if I had done things differently I still might not be able to reach that, but who knows. At least I had a possibility, but my tendency to procrastinate, fear of failure, and resignation; all those regrets wrench my heart. I name that "possible self". It's similar to the ideal self, but different because you have let the opportunity go.
I've dealt with the feelings by sometimes muting or unsubscribing them because I think it is worthless to get frustrated by social media. Plus I did not want to let jealous be my motivation and I knew that negative thoughts will come up one after another once I start to think about regrets.

Collect jealousy and connect the dots

If you haven’t met your passion, how about trying to make “possible self” possible? You never know if that was possible unless you try it, and that dream may suffer you with regrets. Life is too long to keep being hurt by regrets piled up.

I reviewed my Instagram and Youtube, and collected the dots of possible self by writing down 1) on what post I had heartache and 2)why was that. Then I stepped back to see the whole picture. My desire that is not satisfied is to make living outside of Japan and to use English daily. Although I have never said it out loud, it felt very natural for me to feel that way, considering learning and using English are the things that I have been doing for the longest in my life so far. I did not realize that I loved it until now.